Trash Bin

As Figome Environmental Technologies, Turkey's leading trash bin manufacturer, we are here to offer the most comprehensive and diverse range of products. With our carefully designed trash bin models, we are at your service to meet all your waste management needs. Our metal trash bin options provide a combination of durability and elegance, offering long-lasting solutions.

Additionally, we have wooden trash bin options for those seeking aesthetics and a natural touch.
Our trash bin models for public spaces are specially designed for communal areas, emphasizing functionality and eco-friendliness. Furthermore, we provide a wide range of products, including recyclable, lidded, pedal-operated, and sensor-equipped trash bins, catering to various preferences.

By choosing us for your trash bin needs, you can procure high-quality products at affordable prices. If you are looking for eco-friendly and functional trash bin solutions, we welcome you to Figome Environmental Technologies!

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